Peachie Speechie R Sound Videos

I Can Say the R Sound: Articulation Workbook
This must-have downloadable workbook for SLPs features professional illustrations, step-by-step visuals, and engaging activities to teach mouth anatomy and elicit accurate R productions. It covers practice from isolation to connected speech using proven, evidence-based methods like minimal pairs, mass practice, and visual cues—making teaching R easier and more effective!
Save money on the I Can Say… Articulation Bundle, which includes this product.
This systematic, step-by-step approach to R therapy is all you need for teaching the most menacing of sounds!
This workbook is a MUST-HAVE for every speech-language pathologist! Professional illustrations teach students the anatomy of the mouth and detailed step-by-step visuals guide the clinician and student through a variety of techniques to elicit accurate productions. Engaging activities are included for practice in isolation, syllables, words, phrases, sentences, oral reading, and carryover to connected speech.
Teaching R can be difficult, but this workbook makes it easier. This comprehensive book of articulation printables contains a variety of proven methods. These carefully designed worksheets can be used while you provide evidence-based therapy to your students. Research supports many of the methods included such as minimal pairs, mass practice, and using visual cues.
Included in this downloadable workbook:
- Clear anatomy visuals and step-by-step illustrated instructions for the production of retroflexed & bunched R
- Elicitation techniques including tactile cues, shaping R from other sounds, using tools such as tongue depressors, dental flossers, and lollipops to elicit the R sound. Jaw stabilization tips, directions for using popular words (Karla, Eureka, etc.), and how to use hand cues.
- Playdough sheets for teaching the R sound
- Visuals for reducing lip rounding
- Minimal Pair Cards and activities (w vs. r)
- Auditory discrimination sheets
- Coarticulation for eliciting vocalic R
- Dot marker drill pages
- High-frequency word drills
- Nonsense word sheet (make up R words)
- Fun and engaging drill games including a race car dice game, sand timer timed drill, paperclip spinner pages, and tic-tac-toe
- Sound-By-Sound™ visuals for producing R at the word level
- Worksheets for practicing the R sound in isolation, syllables, words, 2-word phrases, carrier phrases, sentences, oral reading, and carryover to connected speech.
Total Page Count: 334 Pages!
Enjoy these videos for articulation, fluency and language skills. Share these videos with SLPs, teachers, students, and parents! This page contains articulation videos. If you'd prefer just R Sound videos, click here. We also have a collection of Fluency (Stuttering) Videos here and Language Skills Videos here.

I Can Say the R Sound: Articulation Workbook
This R Sound therapy workbook is a must-have. It teaches mouth anatomy, offers step-by-step techniques, and includes engaging activities for practice. Teaching R becomes easier with the use of proven methods that are supported by research.
Save money on the I Can Say… Articulation Bundle, which includes this product.
This systematic, step-by-step approach to R therapy is all you need for teaching the most menacing of sounds!
This workbook is a MUST-HAVE for every speech-language pathologist! Professional illustrations teach students the anatomy of the mouth and detailed step-by-step visuals guide the clinician and student through a variety of techniques to elicit accurate productions. Engaging activities are included for practice in isolation, syllables, words, phrases, sentences, oral reading, and carryover to connected speech.
Teaching R can be difficult, but this workbook makes it easier. This comprehensive book of articulation printables contains a variety of proven methods. These carefully designed worksheets can be used while you provide evidence-based therapy to your students. Research supports many of the methods included such as minimal pairs, mass practice, and using visual cues.
Included in this downloadable workbook:
- Clear anatomy visuals and step-by-step illustrated instructions for the production of retroflexed & bunched R
- Elicitation techniques including tactile cues, shaping R from other sounds, using tools such as tongue depressors, dental flossers, and lollipops to elicit the R sound. Jaw stabilization tips, directions for using popular words (Karla, Eureka, etc.), and how to use hand cues.
- Playdough sheets for teaching the R sound
- Visuals for reducing lip rounding
- Minimal Pair Cards and activities (w vs. r)
- Auditory discrimination sheets
- Coarticulation for eliciting vocalic R
- Dot marker drill pages
- High-frequency word drills
- Nonsense word sheet (make up R words)
- Fun and engaging drill games including a race car dice game, sand timer timed drill, paperclip spinner pages, and tic-tac-toe
- Sound-By-Sound™ visuals for producing R at the word level
- Worksheets for practicing the R sound in isolation, syllables, words, 2-word phrases, carrier phrases, sentences, oral reading, and carryover to connected speech.
Total Page Count: 334 Pages!
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This free speech therapy video collection from Peachie Speechie is designed to help individuals learn the R Sound and improve their articulation. The videos feature expert speech therapist, Meredith Avren, demonstrating proper techniques for forming and pronouncing the R Sound, with clear explanations and unique visual aids to assist with understanding. The videos include exercises and drills to learn & practice the R Sound, as well as tips and strategies. The videos are suitable for people of all ages. Thank you for watching and learning with us. We're celebrating over 7,000,000 free video views!
You'll find helpful downloadable products mentioned by each video. Professionally illustrated and loaded with a varying levels of fun activities, they will be your go-to resources for teaching and practicing articulation skills! You can find more great materials here.