Sound-by-Sound®: Cards for Practicing the R Sound
42,199 5-Star Reviews Since 2012

Product Details
This is a one-of-a-kind resource you will love! 90 cards to help with the R sound! These cards are designed to help students working on the production of the R sound at the word level. Each card features the target word, accompanying picture, and mouth images to illustrate how to say each sound in the word. Like the title says, these cards take you sound-by-sound through the word. Your students can work carefully through the cards as they focus on motor movements and placement of articulators.
Cards are included for prevocalic /r/, r-blends, and vocalic R (divided by context: ER, AR, IRE, EAR, AIR, and OR). The images feature exaggerated mouth illustrations for bunched R. Pairing these cards with verbal prompts to “make your tongue tight” or “keep your tongue high” may also be helpful.
A data sheet is also included for progress monitoring, which makes these cards even more awesome.
If you need MORE help with the R sound, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Check out our step-by-step workbook, I Can Say the R Sound. This workbook takes you from eliciting that first R through production in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, and oral reading. Packed with elicitation techniques and many practice opportunities, it is a must-have for every speech-language pathologist.
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