Speech Sound Video Worksheets
41,738 5-Star Reviews Since 2012

Product Details
Worksheets to accompany Peachie Speechie’s FREE speech sound production videos! To fully enjoy this collection of worksheets, you will need to access the free videos at PeachieSpeechie.com/videos or on YouTube. Be sure you have an internet connection and can view these videos prior to purchasing this fabulous collection of worksheets. These are downloadable worksheets. As soon as you purchase, the pdf will be available for you to print! Quick & easy!
You already love the videos - now there is even more to love! Make your sessions even more engaging and keep little hands busy with these carefully thought out worksheets. These worksheets are for the sounds in isolation videos. There are 23 speech sound videos and 23 speech sound video worksheets. And guess what? There are also 23 home-practice sheets, making this product 46 pages (plus cover, instructions page, and table of contents pages).
These worksheets can be used during therapy sessions as you watch the Peachie Speechie videos with your students/clients. Give you student a copy of the worksheet, a pencil, and crayons prior to playing the video. Your student can complete the worksheet activities as you play the video for them.
Please note that you can enjoy the Peachie Speechie videos without the worksheets! Go ahead - watch them! These worksheets simply add an additional layer of fun and engagement.
Videos and worksheets are available for the following sounds:
- H
- W
- B
- P
- M
- N
- T
- D
- F
- V
- K
- G
- L
- R - bunched
- R - retroflexed
- S
- Z
- CH
- J
- SH
- TH - voiceless
- S-blends
- Final Consonants
While this video worksheet pack is only for the speech sound videos, we hope to make additional worksheets for our fluency and language videos soon, so stay tuned! Those worksheets will be sold separately.