R Sound Summer Practice Pack
41,738 5-Star Reviews Since 2012

Product Details
Enjoy this worksheet pack for continued R sound practice over the summer! A simple set of activity sheets targeting prevocalic R, vocalic R, and initial R-blends. There are also instructional pages at the beginning to teach tongue placement for both bunched and retroflex R.
There is a page for the SLP to write a note to parents. This is an important piece, as it allows the SLP to provide specific cues or tips based on what has been successful in therapy.
Please note that some pages are duplicated for bunched and retroflex. This way, speech language pathologists can select the pages that contain the correct tongue visuals for each individual student.
This is intended for elementary aged students who need a few simple activities for summer practice. If you are looking for more comprehensive workbooks for the R sound, I recommend our workbooks I Can Say the R Sound, Coarticulation for the R Sound, Say ARRR Talk Like a Pirate and R Sound Chaining.
Included in the R Sound Summer Practice Pack:
Cover page coloring sheet
Note to Parents template
How to Say R (bunched and retroflex)
Syllable Practice flower craft (1 page for prevocalic and 1 page for vocalic R)
Picture Card Practice Pages (1 for prevocalic, 1 for each vocalic ER, AR, EAR, IRE, AIR and OR, and 1 for blends)
Add an R Cut And Paste Pages (1 for prevocalic, 1 for each vocalic ER, AR, EAR, IRE, AIR and OR, and 1 for blends)
Finding R Words scavenger hunt template (1 page)
R Words at Home template (1 page)
W vs R Minimal Pairs Cut and Paste (1 page)
R Sound Chaining (1 page for prevocalic R and 1 page for vocalic R)
Naming Animals R Sound Activity (1 page)
Silly R Sound Drawing (2 pages)
My Best R Words template (1 page)
R Sound Story Writing (1 template page with 4 different story ideas)
Summer Practice Ideas for Parents (1 page)
Total of 49 pages.
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