Say Arrr: Talk Like A Pirate - Eliciting R
42,199 5-Star Reviews Since 2012

Product Details
Arrr you ready to tackle the R sound? This workbook is designed specifically to help you elicit vocalic R (the AR context) with a fun pirate theme.
It systematically takes your students from production of the “ahh” sound to the R sound with professional illustrations, simple instructions, and motivating activities.
You can print and bind this handbook like in the photo. However, this is a digital download product that will not be shipped. Aside from being eco-friendly, there are great advantages, such as printing multiple copies, printing only specific pages you need, and having access to updates.
These activities are perfect for Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th, but any day can be Pirate Day in speech therapy!
What is included in this workbook:
- Step-by-step instructions for production of vocalic AR for bunched AND retroflex positions
- Practice of the AR sound in isolation, phrases, and sentences
- Sound-by-Sound ® practice with mouth illustrations
- Speech Motor Chaining for Vocalic AR (1 page)
- Coarticulation for Vocalic AR (1 page)
- Word Search (1 page)
- Unscramble the AR words (1 page)
- Sound loaded story for oral reading practice with comprehension questions
- Shark Bite Card Game
- Pirate hat craft
- Peachie Speechie's GIANT MOUTH VISUALS!
Total of 69 pages including retroflex and bunched R versions.
It also includes a story about Talk Like A Pirate Day and pirate vocabulary words for your students to learn!
Note: Any pages with mouth pictures have been duplicated to include a bunched and retroflex tongue. This way, you can select the one your student is working on and only show them visuals that go with that tongue shape.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide for eliciting speech sounds, be sure to grab our Speech Sound Handbook, filled with pictures and tips for all consonants and vowels.