R Sound Picture Cards
42,199 5-Star Reviews Since 2012

Product Details
Peachie Speechie's R Sound Picture Cards are not only beautifully designed, but also provide exceptional visual support for students working on their R sound.
The card deck encompasses all vocalic R contexts, allowing students to practice the distinctive sounds in isolation, such as the pirate's "ARR" sound or the seal's "OR" sound. Furthermore, it covers prevocalic and intervocalic R in words and initial R-blends, ensuring comprehensive practice opportunities.
Additionally, this deck includes cards specifically designed to be used when implementing the coarticulation strategy and speech motor chaining.
I plan to add more cards in the future, so please feel free to email me and share suggestions!
If you need MORE help with the R sound, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Check out our step-by-step workbook, I Can Say the R Sound. This workbook takes you from eliciting that first R through production in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, and oral reading. Packed with elicitation techniques and many practice opportunities, it is a must-have for every speech-language pathologist.
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