Teaching the CH Sound With a Water Bottle
When I teach the CH sound, I call it a “burst of air”. It can be difficult for students to visualize this, and that’s where the water bottle comes in. I explain...

Hey SLPs! Here’s a little trick for eliciting the R sound. All you need is a tongue depressor!

Play Dough Tongues for Teaching the R Sound
One of the reasons the R sound is tricky is because it is hard to see what your tongue is doing in your mouth when you produce it. If a child can see the tongue shape and feel it with their hands, ...

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the School-Based SLP
Looks like things are going to be a little different this fall. Fortunately, I’m prepared. Well, as prepared as I can be during a pandemic when the data and news stories change daily. I went on an ...

How to EASILY Separate Pages of a PDF
Luckily, it's easy & free to separate only the pages you need from a PDF. This simple post will show how...

All about Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). And cute photos of Goose as a puppy!