Magnify Your Fun in Speech Therapy

Magnify Your Fun in Speech Therapy

Here’s a tip for making your speech therapy sessions extra fun: use a magnifying glass

You can hold it up to your mouth as you model the speech sounds for your students. Then, have them hold it up to their own mouth in the mirror to see their articulators move into place.

Magnify Your Fun in Speech Therapy

It super-sizes their view of your mouth, and this light-up version gives them an extra clear view. It’s also just hilarious to watch each other talk with giant magnified mouths. Go ahead, try it! I dare you not to laugh. 

Magnify Your Fun in Speech Therapy

You can also use magnifying glasses to find speech words on worksheets, in story books, or around the room. 

I started using magnifying glasses in speech way back in 2015. I even made a set of worksheets with teeny tiny speech words that my students had to find and read before practicing in the mirror. So, it has been an activity I’ve come back to year after year and it’s always a hit. 

Magnify Your Fun in Speech Therapy

Click here to get your own glowing magnifying glass. 


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