Peachie Speechie Fluency (Stuttering) Videos

Enjoy these videos for articulation, fluency and language skills. Share these videos with SLPs, teachers, students, and parents! This page contains Fluency (Stuttering) Videos. We also have a collection of Articulation Videos here, R Sound Videos here and Language Skills Videos here.

Peachie Speechie offers a collection of free speech therapy videos, designed to help individuals learn about the three main types of disfluencies. Expert speech therapist Meredith Avren guides viewers through repetitions, prolongations, and blocks using simple explanations and unique visual aids to enhance comprehension. The videos also provide fluency strategies and practice opportunities that can help reduce tension and achieve smoother speech.

You'll find helpful downloadable products mentioned by each video. Professionally illustrated and loaded with a varying levels of fun activities, they will be your go-to resources for teaching and practicing fluency skills! You can find more great materials here.